Emaar Annual Brokers Award
Exceptional achievements are within our reach when we stand tall on a foundation of our company integrity, hard work and unwavering determination.
And we scored once again with a bang! Creating More of Happiness & appreciation moments crafting these moments to be one of the memorable days in Property Shop Investment history.
We are honored to have been recognized as the 9th top broker among 20 performing brokers, advancing From Last Year’s Ranking and putting us in a unique position to be the first and the only broker from Abu Dhabi by Emaar,held at Annual Broker Awards Ceremony on 16 February 2020 at Dubai Opera.

In this occasion we would thank Property shop investment team, wishing to bloom more in 2020.
A grateful acknowledgment to Emaar, our outstanding partner for their appreciation and special thanks for our special clients who trust & help us to grow into a huge success.Our success is a clear reflection of the effort, pride and passion with which we formulate our culture.